The Universe Gives Us What We Need

by | Aug 29, 2024 | Personal Insights, Thoughts

I was meant to write this blog today. I maintain a running list of topics I want to write about, and today, I added this one. When I looked back at the list, I noticed that this exact topic, with my exact same reminder note, was already at the top.

Coincidence? I choose to see it differently.

I believe the universe gives us what we need. If we put our intentions out there and trust that things will turn out okay, they usually do—maybe not exactly as we expect, but in ways that serve us. Here are two stories that illustrate my point.

Years ago, I was on a tight budget and had a specific amount set aside for groceries each week. Every Sunday, I would go to Jerry’s Fruit Market in Niles, Illinois (ever been there? It’s awesome!) and buy my week’s groceries. If there was money leftover, I’d treat myself to flowers. I love flowers, but they were definitely a “want” and not a “need.”

At the same time, I was singing in a chorus and worked close to where we rehearsed. One day, I got a call from a chorus member who had left her wallet in the rehearsal hall the night before. She asked if I could retrieve it during my lunch hour, and she would pick it up from my house.

That week was one of the weeks when there was no money left in my budget for flowers. But wouldn’t you know it? When she came to my house to pick up her wallet, she brought flowers. I was supposed to have flowers, and they came to me.

The second story is more recent.

I recently moved from a condo building with four units—two upstairs and two downstairs. I lived upstairs, and those stairs were brutal on my knees. Even regular-sized people found them challenging. It got to the point where I would painfully take two steps down and then scoot the rest of the way on my butt.

So, I decided to move, aiming for a first-floor place with no steps.

The housing market was tight. My condo went on the market Thursday morning, and by Saturday afternoon, I had multiple offers. I accepted an offer Monday morning and started looking for a new place that same day.

I saw two places, one of which wasn’t even officially listed yet. I made an offer on the unlisted one that Monday night, and it was accepted by the next evening. It was also a condo building with four units—two upstairs and two downstairs.

Here’s the serendipitous part.

My new condo is on the first floor, but there are two steps to get into it. My neighbor across the hall has MS, so there’s a grab-bar installed to help with the stairs.

So, under extreme pressure to find a place in a tight market, I happened to find a condo with grab-bars in the hallway.

But there’s more.

A handicapped person previously lived in my condo, so it already had grab bars and handheld showerheads installed in both bathrooms.

Did the universe give me what I needed? I believe it did.

1 Comment
  1. Amy

    I love the flowers story!


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