Drink Up and Declutter: January’s Dual Self-care Commitment

by | Jan 2, 2025 | Commitment, General Health, Mental Health

The Health Warriors Pillar Focus for January is self-care, and I’m on a quest to nail down my commitment for the month. I’ve got a buffet of options when it comes to self-care, and, to be honest, if I don’t zero in on something specific, I’m bound to get overwhelmed and end up doing nada.

Once upon a time, I thought self-care was all about “pampering.” Mani-pedis and facials were my jam. But I’ve wised up since then. These days, I know self-care is a whole universe! From mental to spiritual well-being, Google’s AI sums it up perfectly: “Anything you do to keep yourself healthy in mind, emotion, body, social life, and spirit.”

So, what’s my big plan for January? It boils down to two goals: a daily ritual and a monthly milestone.

For my daily gig, it’s all about hydration—drinking at least 64oz of water. I’ll be ramping this up gradually, with my eyes on the big prize—a gallon a day! I feel amazing when I’m fully hydrated, although yes, the bathroom trips can be a bit much initially until my body adjusts.

And the monthly challenge? Tackling my office/spare room. After moving into my condo over 18 months ago (and breaking my ankle during the move!), I never really unpacked properly. My office slash cat room has become a clutter zone. Papers are flooding the desk and bed, crying out to be sorted, shredded, or filed. Okay, I’ll admit, there might be an aspect of procrastination involved, but also, it’s not that easy for me to get around, so it won’t be a simple thing.

While my living room setup is quite functional, I ought to reclaim my office space. Plus, it would be wonderful to separate work from relaxation—essential self-care, if you ask me. By clearing the clutter, I’ll shed a mental load and create a workspace that nurtures productivity and a living room where I can relax and not have to think about work. I need that separation.

So, here’s to January: hydrate every day and transform the office by month’s end. If you want to dive into more about the Health Warriors’ Six Pillars of Health, check out the Health Warriors Program page. And who knows, maybe my next blog will be written in a sparkling clean office!


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