Right here, right now, I am making a commitment in front of G-d and everybody.
The word “decide” comes from Old French, meaning “to cut off.” When you make a real, honest, and true decision, you cut off all other options. And today, I’ve made a critical decision.
While several doctors have suggested weight loss surgery as an option for me, I know deep down that I’m not a good candidate for it.
The truth is, I don’t eat because I’m hungry. In fact, I’m rarely ever hungry.
I eat because I enjoy it. It tastes good, it’s comforting, it soothes me when I’m bored, and, frankly, because it’s there.
The reality is, I feel compelled to eat if there’s food around. Sometimes, I find myself eating just to finish off what’s left. I am, in fact, a compulsive overeater.
But it’s not just about the food; it’s also about the location.
I want to eat in the living room while I relax. I eat when I’m watching TV or reading. And, as you can imagine, I’m not really paying attention to how much I’m consuming when I’m distracted by TV.
In fact, I would rather eat a salad in the living room than pizza and cheesecake at the table. Of course, I’d really rather eat pizza and cheesecake in the living room, but that’s how we got to this place.
The solution seems simple: Eat at the dining room table. Without exception. Every meal, every snack, every bite — I need to eat them at the dining room table. And when I eat, I need to focus solely on eating, with no distractions.
I’ve done this before. I’ve managed to force myself to eat only at the table, and while it does take some of the fun out of eating, it helps me control my portions and make better choices.
Do I like it? No. In fact, I hate it. But it’s necessary.
So, I’m committing, right here and now, that every yogurt, piece of fruit, handful of nuts, and every single meal will be eaten at the table.
Strangely, it makes me sad to write this. Because I’m taking away one of my great pleasures in life. But I’m committed to moving toward health, and this is a critical piece of the puzzle.
I’m about to hit “publish.” And once I do, there’s no turning back. I’m hitting “publish” any second now …
Good for you. I should pay more attention to my plate as well and less to the book on hand